Home » Blog » 2022 » Party Photozone Ideas 2020: LED Infinity Mirror Dodecahedron Cloud
The first LED dodecahedron installations appeared a couple of years ago. It started with simple luminous artworks of different sizes: the large Dazzling Dodecahedron installation at the Winter Lights Festival in London (2018), the light-up dodecahedron artwork by Anthony James from his ‘Portal Series’ based on the Platonic Solids of geometry, and others. Infinity dodecahedrons appeared on the Web soon after that.
Infinity mirrors always look mesmerizing. Dodecahedrons with infinity mirrors inside look even more impressive. And that’s what we had in the center of our attention when we started creating another LED party photozone installation. Read about the results of our new project below.
There are lots of DIY how-to videos on YouTube, pre-built models, and materials like mirror film on Amazon. So you can try and create your own Infinity dodecahedron. Or you can order one and get a ready-made product with light effects.
ETERESHOP team has worked out a new LED installation. It can be used as a party photo zone or a luminous decoration for an office, hotel, or a cruise ship lobby, nightclub, or art space.
LED Infinity Dodecahedron Cloud by ETERESHOP consists of regular Infinity dodecahedrons of different sizes. It will work as long as you need it when powered by the mains.
ETERESHOP also offers customization possibilities and post-sale 24/7 tech support for the LED Infinity Mirror Dodecahedron Cloud. You can choose the number, size, and arrangement of each dodecahedron or change the figure and choose icosahedrons, non-regular dodecahedrons, etc.
Not to mention real-time control and customization of light effects. You can create your own additional light effects in Madrix software or similar products for managing digital LEDs. Synchronization with music is a great option for parties or concerts.
· infinity dodecahedrons
· chains for hanging
· stand (Truss lighting stand system with 2 stands in our case)
· braid for wires and chains
· Madrix software if you plan to create light effects yourself
· SD card to upload effects
· power supplies (4 pcs, 5V, 72 amp.)
· controller (ESP32 or NodeMCU)
250+ Infinity mirrors combined in the form of dodecahedrons create an impression of a dazzling forest with cosmic fruits. Infinite rainbow voids with changing colors look hypnotic. When LED lights are off you can see your own reflection in an Infinity dodecahedron. This adds more interactivity to this LED cloud installation. Add music here and be sure that most guests will come closer to have a look and take pics & videos. Rent out the LED Infinity Dodecahedron Wall installation for photo and video shoots or move it to another location. You can use this LED photozone installation for years (subject to careful usage just like with any other equipment).
You can make use of an interactivity option for your LED Infinity Dodecahedron Cloud with the help of a motion-sensing input device called Kinect (we used Kinect 2.0 for Xbox), a PC, and the wall itself. Your movements will be caught and transmitted on dodecahedrons in real-time, which prolongs the time your guests spend near the Infinity Dodecahedron Cloud.